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Women More Likely to Snoop Than Men
May 15, 2016

In the new film, Little Black Book, Brittany Murphy's character engages in some high-tech snooping on her new boyfriend. Based... more

Internet Dating More Successful than Thought
Apr 26, 2016

Internet dating is proving a much more successful way to find long-term romance and friendship for thousands of people than... more

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What initially started out as something to relieve a little boredom and to have some fun turned into one of...

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Women More Likely to Snoop Than Men
May 15, 2016

In the new film, Little Black Book, Brittany Murphy's character engages in some high-tech snooping on her new boyfriend. Based... more

Internet Dating More Successful than Thought
Apr 26, 2016

Internet dating is proving a much more successful way to find long-term romance and friendship for thousands of people than... more

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Success Stories
My Story


What initially started out as something to relieve a little boredom and to have some fun turned into one of...

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